How to be a Lead Generation Champion

Tim Smith

Managing Director, Global HQ

The use of telemarketing to generate highly qualified leads for technology solutions is no doubt a mature, established approach to lead generation. True, it’s never been the coolest part of the marketing mix [that crown used to go to creative and now sits with social media] and yet it has the ability to achieve very high, demonstrable returns.

With nearly 20 years of experience executing telemarketing lead generation programs for technology vendors, packed with natural evolution and plenty of innovation, we thought we’d share our top tips for ‘how to be a lead generation champion’. Follow these tips and you’ll run successful lead gen programs every time:

  1. Gain commitment and involve sales from the very start. This helps avoid designing conflict and misalignment between your lead gen targets and your company goals.
  2. Eliminate and minimise obvious waste upfront.  Look at data quality, messaging fit and the opportunity to drive inbound demand to maximise the productivity of your telemarketing spend.
  3. Be careful to drive the right behaviour - choose the right targets, measure what matters and incentivise based on return not on lead volume.
  4. Make sure you capitalise on your investment with high quality, timely follow up. We’ve come up with 8 ‘golden rules’ for effective closed loop reporting.

For more detail, download our free white paper on ‘How to be a Lead Generation Champion - A guide to best practise in telemarketing lead generation’, at or if you’d prefer to talk to someone at EIMS about a specific challenge or requirement, give us a call on +441202 55533.