Master Services Agreement
This Services Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by and between the Client and EIMS Global Ltd and shall remain in effect until terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.
Number of Heads:
15 or Less
16 - 30
31 - 50
Over 50
Revenue per Annum (Run Rate):
Whichever is the greater
Termination for Convenience Notice Period: (Calendar days)
Maximum Allowed Ramp Down of the contracted heads over the notice period
No early ramp down within 90 days
No early ramp down within 90 days
No early ramp down within 90 days
No early ramp down within 90 days
Up to 15 contracted heads can be ramped down after the first 90 days providing the Client has informed EIMS 30 days prior to the proposed ramp down
Up to 15 contracted heads can be ramped down after the first 90 days providing the Client has informed EIMS 30 days prior to the proposed ramp down
Up to 15 contracted heads can be ramped down after the first 90 days providing the Client has informed EIMS 30 days prior to the proposed ramp down
A Further 15 contracted heads can be ramped down after the first 120 days providing the Client has informed EIMS 30 days prior to the proposed ramp down
A Further 15 contracted heads can be ramped down after the first 120 days providing the Client has informed EIMS 30 days prior to the proposed ramp down
A Further 20 contracted heads can be ramped down after the first 150 days providing the Client has informed EIMS 30 days prior to the proposed ramp down
Price change per Ramp Down of Heads during the notice period