Looking for information that will improve your business? Look no further! With 20 years’ experience in multi-lingual, highly effective channel, demand generation and inside sales services, we have valuable insight to share, which is why we’ve put a comprehensive series of articles together. They describe many areas of best practice that may be of use to you. Free for you to request today.
Case studies
We’ve helped huge numbers of technology companies grow their business across the globe, thanks to our unique culture and capabilities that focus on delivering client value. But don’t take our word for it; check out these case studies to get a flavour of the breadth and depth of the services we offer and the impact that clients have experienced. Read and download from the links provided.
Our Blog
Some opinion pieces here, but typically based on hard won experience, and informed by data points and years of operation in our areas of expertise. Discover cutting-edge tips, tricks and techniques and perhaps some new ideas to improve your business and inform your decision making. Some of our secrets of success are exposed here at very practical level.
For those who prefer to listen and see the people that are part of our story, check out our videos. Relax and enjoy our captivating portfolio; guiding you through all things EIMS. From the honest opinions of our customers, through to eye-catching short films that explain who we are, what we’re about and how our services can help transform your business. All you need is the popcorn.